Apr 172 min read
Breaking the Silence
It dawned on me earlier this week that it has been quite quiet on my blog recently and so here I am breaking the silence. In March I...
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Feb 271 min read
Broom Brooom!
I managed to play three different games this week, and did I think to take a picture of any of them..... no I did not!! I won't go into...
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Feb 172 min read
Greeks Done (for now at least)!
As the title says, this week I finished the 28mm Greeks needed for a SAGA game with Mr. Burt to be held in the Bunker in May. Firstly the...
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Feb 112 min read
Bonus Productivity!
I ended my last blog entry saying that I would probably delay the next one (that is to say this one) as I could not see me getting much...
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Feb 41 min read
(The title is 'welcome!' in Ancient Greek apparently). This week was a mixed bag bunker wise - some painting, some assembly and some...
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Jan 252 min read
It's Almost All Greek To Me!
A post without a huge gap between it and the last - hurrah!! The Bunker week started with a game of Stargrave against local Tim and...
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Jan 222 min read
Weekend Warrior
The weekend before last I had a jolly jaunt to Grays to play a couple of games with Mr. Burt in his splendid gaming shed. We first played...
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