I've just noticed that several weeks have passed without any sort of update and so I thought that I would rectify that today.
Work in the bunker has been rather sporadic recently with no clear focus or drive to finish anything in particular.
What I did decide to do was finish a number of figures I had assembled and undercoated and so I present a jumble bag of 'stuff'.
Firstly is the completion of the 'A Witch in Time' boxed set for Moonstone - Antonia, Zorya and Danica.
These were really nice figures to paint, and after recently having painted regiments of the same figure it was nice to focus on individuals.
And then there's 'Chubs', also for Moonstone.
Next (and I know these are usually listed last) came several Marvel Crisis figures, Magneto, Valkyrie and Ghost-Spider.
All nice figures, but if I had realised how tricky Magneto was going to be to paint (trying to get the detail between him and the flowing cloak) I may have put some colour on him before assembly.
Then there is this nice little terrain piece I painted for the game.
This is a 3-D printer created plastic piece given to me by a friend (David Bartley aka 'Reg') and has me pondering whether I might invest in a similar printer (or resin one) in future.
And finally some figures for 'In Her Majesty's Name' - some more police officers to add to the constables I painted some months ago.
Firstly we have Inspector Gravely, Sargeant Wellard and Madam Blue (aka. an undercover WPC Jasmine Wilde) of Essex Police Special Investigation Squad.
And then we have members of the County Support Group - unnamed minions at this stage.
Next week see's me either finishing more of the already prepped stuff or me reverting to a table of tasks and rolling a D12 (or D20) to see what I'll work on for the day - who knows? (certainly not me at the moment.
Until next time!!
Be careful out there!!
All very splendid. But shouldn't you be painting 18thC stuff?
I must confess to being rather taken by 3D printed stuff I've seen recently. Something else to discuss perhaps.